
Art based on Poems written by Paul Batou


Do you know that my soul is full of sins?

I stopped in the rain,

To wash,

I cried.

The rain soaked my body,

And left streaks on my face.

It did not purify my soul.

I went to church,

I came to my knees,

And offered my prayers.

I took communion,

It did not purify my soul.

The statue of the virgin was painted,

With my best colors,

I pleaded, burdened by my sins.

Do you know that my sin is Iraq?

My sins are Babylon and Sumer.

Why did we hold the sons of God captive from Jerusalem?

And carried the curse of Torah and the Gospel!

Why did we follow Islam’s banner?

And the great occupation?

Did you know,

They had instructed.

Our ancestors on how to wield weapons.

And how to kill their neighbors?

They opened doors of exile.

Do you know that the rain,

Draws my tears like streams.

And makes me cry rivers?

Each drop hits my body,

As a cold bullet,

That does not hurt or kill me,

But just scares my soul.

My soul is burdened by sin.

We were told that confession washes away our sins.

I confessed to stealing a dinar,

I confessed I lied.

I will speak the truth,

To wash this sin away.

But how do I confess about Iraq’s sins?

How do I reverse the history of Iraq,

If it is God’s will?


I am not Assyrian or  Chaldean or Akkadian.

I am not a Christian or Muslim or Buddhist.

I am human.

I was born in Mesopotamia, Uruk, Nippur, Shuruppak, and Sippar.

I was born in Babylon, home of Anu and Ishtar.

I am a son of Enlil, Shamash, and Gilgamesh.

I am a son of Ishtar, Ea, and Nunsun .

I was killed once by a flood,

And a million times by a creature,

Called human,

Called a country.

I was killed by a nation,

Or United Nations.

Let’s Play For Birds

Peace upon you this spring,

Ishtar, the queen of beauty and love,

Peace to all plants and flowers,

Peace to all birds and trees,

Peace and love to all creatures on earth,

Peace to you bright sun, shamash!

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